Percentage of Percentage Calculation

Calculator and formula for percentage of percentage calculation

Percentage of Percentage Calculator

This function multiplies one percentage by a second percentage to get the cumulative value. Optionally, a base value can be specified from which a new value is calculated using the cumulative percentage.

To calculate, enter the percent values and optional a base value. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Percentage Calculator

1st Percentage %
2nd Percentage %
 Optional Input
Base value
Decimal places
Total Percentage
Final value

Percentage formula

\(P_1\) = 1st Percentage
\(P_2\) = 2nd Percentage
\(P\) = Cumulative Percentage

\(\displaystyle P=\frac{P_1 \cdot P_2}{100}\)

\(B\) = Base value
\(F\) = Final value
\(\displaystyle F=\frac{P\cdot B}{100} \)
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