Arrowhead Quadrilateral

Calculator and formulas for a arrowhead quadrilateral

Calculate arrowhead quadrilateral

This function calculates various parameters of a arrowhead quadrilateral.

In an arrowhead quadrilateral, one of the two diagonals lies outside the figure. The diagonals are perpendicular to each other at the point of intersection.

To calculate, select the known side length from the menu and enter its value. Choose the two known angles from the menus and enter their values. Then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Arrowhead calculator

Decimal places
Long side a
Short side b
Length l
Height h
Inner length m
Missing length n
Area A
Perimeter U
Angle α
Angle β
Angle γ

arrowhead quadrilateral

Formulas for the arrowhead quadrilateral

Long side a

\(\displaystyle a =\frac{b·sin\left(\frac{β}{2}\right)}{sin\left(\frac{α}{2}\right)} \)

Short side b

\(\displaystyle b =\frac{a·sin\left(\frac{α}{2}\right)}{sin\left(\frac{β}{2}\right)} \)


\(\displaystyle α+β+2·γ= 360°\)

Inner length

\(\displaystyle m= \frac{a·sin(γ)} { sin\left(\frac{β}{2}\right) }\)

Missing length

\(\displaystyle n= b·sin\left(\frac{β}{2-90°}\right) \)


\(\displaystyle l= m+n\)


\(\displaystyle h=2·\sqrt{b^2-n^2}\)


\(\displaystyle h=2·\sqrt{b^2-n^2}\)


\(\displaystyle A=\frac{l·h}{2}-\frac{n·h}{2}\)

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