Rndf Function

Rndf function generates floating-point random numbers


The function Rndf returns a floating-point random number or a list of floating-point random numbers


Rndf (Max)

Rndf (Len, Max)

Rndf (Len, Min, Max)

Rndf ( [Max, Max, Max, Max] )


Rndf (Max)

Returns floating-point numbers greater than or equal to zero and less than max

Rndf (12) = 8.75

Rndf (Len, Max)

Returns a list of the specified length Len, with random floating-point numbers in the Range greater than or equal to zero and less max.

Rndf (5, 12) = 10.58 6.75 8.75 7.45 2.57

Rndf (Len, Min, Max)

Returns a list of the specified length Len, with random floating-point numbers greater or equal to Min and less Max.

Rndf (5, 20, 30) = 29.21 22.59 25.24 24.75 21.48

Rndf ( [Max, Max, Max, Max] )

Returns a list in the length of the argument, with random floating-point numbers in the range greater than or equal to zero and less than max of the corresponding element

Rndf ([5,5,30,30,30])= = 4.75 0.54 14.89 28.92 15.40

Additional Information

  • Rnd for lists with integer random numbers
  • Rndf for floating-point random numbers