Paraboloid Calculation

Calculator and formulas for calculating a paraboloid

Paraboloid calculator

A paraboloid is a quadric surface that has exactly one axis of symmetry and no center of symmetry. Elliptical paraboloids can be found, for example, on the surfaces of satellite dishes and as energy depletion diagrams. For more information see Wikipedia.

To calculate the paraboloid, enter the shape parameter and the value a. Then click on the 'Calculate' button

Paraboloid calculator

Shape parameter s
Input value a
Decimal places
Height h
Lateral surface L
Surface area S
Volume V


Paraboloid by Krishnavedala, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Formulas for the paraboloid

Height \(\displaystyle h = s\cdot a^2\)
Lateral surface \(\displaystyle L = \frac{π \cdot a }{ 6 \cdot h^2} \cdot (a^2 + 4\cdot h^2 )^{3/2} - a^3)\)
Surface area \(\displaystyle S= L + π \cdot a^2\)
Volume \(\displaystyle V= \frac{1}{2}\cdot π \cdot a^2 \cdot h\)

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