List of Units of measurement

List of integrated units of measurement in RedCrab Calculator

Units of Measurement

Group Dimensions


µm Mikrometre 0.000001
mm Millimetre 0.001
cm Centimetre 0.01
m Metre 1
km Kilometre 1000
mil Thou 0.0000254
in Inches 0.0254
ft Feet 0.3048
yd Yards 0.9144
ftm Fathom 1.8288
mi Miles 1609.344
nmi Nautical miles 1852
au Astronomical unit 149598550000


ac Acres 4046.8564224
ha Hectares 10000


L Litre   0.001
Impgal ImperialGallon 0.00454609
USliqgal USLiquidGallon       0.003785411784
USdrygal USDryGallon 0.00440488377086

Group Weight

mg Milli Gram 0.001
g Gram 1
kg Kilogram 1000
t Tonne                1000000
kt Kilotonne 1000000000
Mt Megatonne 1000000000000
Gt Gigatonne 1000000000000000
oz Ounces 28.349523
lb Pound 453.59237
tnsh Short tonne 907184.74
tnlts Long tonne 1016046.909

Group Temperature

K Kelvin -273.1

Group Pressure

Bar Bar 100000
Pa Pascal 1
kPa Kilopascal 1000
mmHg Millimeter of Mercury 133.322387415
atm Atmospheres 101325
psi Pound Per Square Inch 6894.757

Group Energie

J Joules 1
kJ Kilojoules 1000
cal Calories 4.1868
kcal Kilocalories 4186.8
BTU British Thermal Unit 1055.056
eV Electron Volts 1.60217653 • 10-19

Group Power

W Watt 1
kW Kilowatt 1000
hp Horse Power             745.699872
PS Pferde Staerke         735.49875

Group Time

ps Picosecond 0.000000000001
ns Nanosecond 0.000000001
µs Microsecond 0.000001<
ms Millisecond 0.001
s Second 1
min Minutes 60
h Hour 3600
d Day  86400

Groupe Force

N Newton 1
lbf Pound Force 4.4482216152606