Loga, Logarithm to base a

Calculator and formula to calculate the logarithm on a given base

Calculate the logarithm of the base a

The Function Loga returns the logarithm x to base a of the given power value y.

\(\displaystyle y=log_a(x) \)

To perform the calculation, enter the power value and the base, then click on the 'Calculate' button.

Calculator logarithm to base a

Power value y
Base a
Decimal places
Logarithm x

Formula for the logarithm x of the base a

\(\displaystyle log_a(x)= \frac{log(x)}{log(a)}=\frac{ln(x)}{ln(a)}=y \)


\(\displaystyle a^x = y \)          \(\displaystyle 16^2=256 \)

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